A was a bit disappointed and heartbroken when I started posting some pictures of my book covers on the Anupriya Goenka My Love Page. I saw that the moderator had given badges to the top two fans of the page a gentleman called Debashish and one other fan got the top two badges for the month. Now I know for sure that in the past four months since I have got access to this page I have been posting regular content on this page which includes videos, pictures, book covers, book narrations, and a lot of other content related to my web-series on this page in a bid to woo the goddess of erotica. I was disappointed why I was not given a bade for being the top content contributor to this page.
Over the decade since I have known the Diva and The Miss mystery, I have made and developed a lot of content which has been inspired from Anupriya and parses her beauty, sonnets, songs, poems, and poetry books too. I deserve to get a badge of honor for my contributions on her page as I must be without a doubt her most ardent fan.
So please Mr. Moderator gives me a top fan badge also for my content contributions and videos.
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