Today was the first time after three weeks that I managed to clock 10.5 km in a single day. I did a forty minutes walk in the morning and followed it with a two-hour-plus walk in the evening session. It has been tough and tiring but I have managed to be motivated to continue my schedule.
“ You have become like a foreigner they also walk the whole day most of them they come to the city and all they do is walk through the streets. You are becoming like agora sahib .” Tiwari reminded me when I boasted to him about my fitness schedule. I managed my customary four glasses of orange juice and even did some fruit shopping and bought some fresh flowers and essence sticks for my daily Pooja ritual, something that has stayed with me post-Diwali. My weekly distance covers have gone up week on week from 5.2 km to 6.5 km to 7 km for the last three weeks and that has given me satisfaction that I am on track to loose at least 4 kilos this month.
Burning fat is never easy and I am finding that out, lucky for me I have stuck to my diet plan as well that which will help me really achieve my weight loss goals. For me, the transition from fat to fit is happening effortlessly ad that’s what is great about this exercise it is coming from within me and I am doing things in a disciplined manner. As they say “ Discipline se bada koi Guru nahi Hota .” By dividing my day into rituals I keep myself busy and focused on my hourly timetable, plus I loose myself in my head while I walk and that way I loose sense of time, otherwise just walking around the city can get boring.
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