At the ashram, the most important thing that I noticed was the power of positive vibrations. These vibrations really energise the body and the soul. The first few days of fruit and juice diet as well as regular enema cleanses the bowels and regulate blood circulation. One gets at 4:30 am in the morning and really frees the body of all the collected toxins and other depression causing ingredients that the body ingests over a period of time. The morning yoga and laughter therapies make one’s insides like a hollow tube all the while making positive vibrations resonate from within you. The body becomes like a flute or a didgeridoo and once you blow air into it, it vibrates and hums with its own rhythm.


I was amazed that the greenery around me and the colourful flowers that grow in the gardens of the ashram had such a wondrous impact on me. My breathing has become regulated and deep. I have not smoked for a week and that has helped the accumulated harmful chemicals in my lungs to be thrown out of my body. The body has become hollow and the morning Surya Namaskar and Yoga have made it soft and supple. I walk on the green grass carpet in the morning to soak in the morning dew. This is a great therapy and it feels like giving myself acupuncture through the sole of my feet. There are more than 70 varieties of flowers in the ashram and each one bloom and dance to the tune of the wind. I also tested my photography skills by capturing them through my lens.






Getting up at 4:00 am now seems easy once you get into the routine of things. Capturing the sunrise through my camera is another thing that I enjoy doing. I weigh myself twice in the day, first at morning and then at late evening. I have lost 4.5 kg in one week and that is an achievement. I am motivated now to finish the course and achieve my goal of losing 10 kg at the end of the day.



Humming and singing all day being in the vicinity of such positive energies is a healing process in itself and that is a thing that one gets plenty at the ashram. From the laughter therapy to the Desh Bhakti songs, there is something for very one to enjoy, relate to and savour in this place. For Rs. 2000 a day, all inclusive, it is a bargain. It is like a service centre for the body and soul and a must-try for everyone to come and rejuvenate themselves. I give two thumbs up to the ashram, its helpful staff, knowledgeable coaches and great administrators. This is a must-visit place for anyone who wants to enjoy yoga and rejuvenate themselves.

Want to know more about yoga? Here is a guide that is even more detailed, updated and comprehensive on 18 amazing health benefits of yoga. It is over 7,000 words and packed with practical tips and advice. You can find it here: Big thanks to Jen Miller, a writer at Jen Reviews.