My travels around Ukraine would not have been achieved without the help, guidance and expertise that Green Tours Ukraine provided me. They were fantastic, very punctual and internet savvy staff. The tour guides to the cities of Kiev and Lviv where especially well-trained and knowledgeable in their field. Anna spoke fluent English and was a university graduate who had read the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagwat Geeta. She had also travelled to over 25 countries in Europe. She was very friendly and spoke eloquently about the city and its various landmarks. Always relating to the history and relevance of a particular place like the Red University or Sophia Cathedral, she used historical dates and gave a historical background of all the sites that we explored in the city of Kiev. We went around the city in a chauffeur-driven taxi which was very comfortable. It also had a heating system to keep us warm as it rained a lot in Ukraine when I was there.

I had a driver to take me to the railway station. My tickets were all booked and delivered to me and the driver put my luggage in my train compartment. At Lviv, I had another set of people from Green Tours to pick me up and drive me to my pre-booked hotel. At 10:00 am sharp, Mariana was there to pick me up for a tour of Kiev and its cemetery. We drove around the city in hired taxis and walked a lot around the sidewalks of the city. I was then taken back by train to Kiev.

The Chernobyl trip, which was the last leg of my tour, was an all-day guided tour with audio and visuals telling us about the nuclear tragedy that took place there. The van in which we drove to the ghost towns of Chernobyl was very comfortable and we had a hippy young female guide who took us around Chernobyl. Lunch was served on the way.

All in all, I was very well looked after and so, I give a double thumbs up to Green Tours Kiev Ukraine. Not to forget value for money, all my travels in the country cost me 25,000 hryvnias for an eight-day tour around the two major cities of the country with train, travel and hotels included in Lviv. That is around 962 dollars only for one person.

Overall, a very pleasant and knowledgeable English speaking staff, efficient transfer services and taxi services. Great hotel bookings keeping the importance of location in mind and a packed itinerary for a tourist. I recommend every traveller to use their services to explore the cities of Ukraine.


Contact Green Tours Ukraine

Manager Olga Pinchuk

Green Tours Ukraine Ltd

Tel: +38-044-223-81-34, 254-28-91

Fax: +38-044-254-28-92