Hi Friends,

I call upon all of you well-wishers and followers of my blog to help in my effort in rebuilding the lives of the 10,000 villagers/tribals located in 40 villages in   Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh. I have been doing the rounds of this area and the fantastic tiger sanctuary with my friend Gagan Gahlot who runs a resort called Tigergarh here. We want to start a community-building program for the tribals and villagers of this region starting from installing an electric transmitter for the village to facilitate power supply in the region. We also want to train the unskilled people of the village in making artefacts, paintings, straw baskets and handicrafts. This will require one specialist teacher to teach the villagers. We will use the resort area as our community hub. The entire community drive has one mission “Save Forests, Save Yourself”. We want to help restore harmony in the forest and make sure that its interdependent relationship with man flourishes.

I have pledged Rs 50,000 from my pocket and from my grandmother’s side. I seek your charity in this matter “Save Forests, Save Yourself”. The entire community upliftment drive will be captured on camera and a mini-documentary of the achievements made and how your donations were put to good use will be mailed to you. Each donor will have his name and photograph on the documentary. As a token of your donation and support, a handmade tribal handicraft piece will also be couriered to your doorstep.

I along with my ex Welham Boys’ batchmate Gagan Gahlot and his staff will drive this initiative and will be promoted through my blog and partners.

I ask for your donation, a minimum amount of Rs 5000 per household. We are targeting 2 lakh rupees and have already initiated our first project to get a transmitter put in the village.

Kindly come forward and support by donating at least Rs 5000 to this noblest cause of protecting our forest and uplifting the lives of our rural and tribal people, who are in most need of our help and generosity.


Kindly send your donations on the accounts below: Minimum Rs 5000


Name: Anuj Tikku

Mobile: +919650799479


Keep reading updates about our initiative “Save Forests, Save Yourself” on my blog and Facebook Page.


Thank you,

Anuj Tikku

