Seeking of any kind can only begin at a. state of not knowing, it is only in the state of not knowing that curiosity begins to take shape. When you know that you do not know when you except that you do not understand real inquiry begins. Curiosity takes us further into the unknown, the thirst for knowing what is beyond. When we accept that we are ignorant then it is that true knowledge emerges. The seeker walks alone and his wisdom is a flowering that grows on you as time passes. It is a subtle flowering or knowledge as the inner whirlpools begin to explode, the wisdom overtakes the body like a soft light the ones you see around the heads of enlightened masters. But that can only happen when you are in a state of inquiry, just be alert and watch your thoughts, still, the body slows the mind will go numb and all the questions will evaporate till only stillness and silence remains. Whatever you seek either in the outer world or the inner world, all seeking will lead to more seeking, more questions will create more answers and they will create more questions. The trick to seeking is to drop the mind and drop all questions and all answers.
But real seeking comes from deep pain very deep pain that is when seeking starts pain is the first step that leads to seeking and the seeker begins to move away from the world and society at large. A true seeker looks like a selfish rebel who says he is independent of all rules and laws of society and that to seek he has to be totally free from any bondage. Travelers are great seekers as in their travel they express their freedom. Seeking the divine is something we all do but only a few become divine, it needs dedication and focus and a longing to know what is beyond the five senses and even beyond the mind. A seeker goes beyond boundaries and explores what is on the other side of the shore.