This is going to be my last night in Mumbai and the end of my one-month excursion to Mumbai looking for acting work, do some meetings, meet old casting agents and walked back on the road to Bollywood. I went to see the new RGV office at Veera Desai, it’s aptly called Company, have sent him a mail, this time I am pitching my book Yes Sir I killed My Dad, will the big man Ramu bite the bullet and give me a role, we shall see. I might soon get to meet him one on one. Some mails were sent and some proposal’s sent. Action is the key one must do action to keep moving, no matter what the result action must happen. I now remember the words of my late father when he said,” Keep Busy at all times .”

Manish has been a great help with a full-fledged active studio, I did a stand-up storytelling act where I narrated the story of the great sage Ashtavakra. I enacted the entire thing giving the narration of the Janak Dar-bar and the history behind Ashtavakra’s deformity. Then some of his friends came and I became Dharmendra the other actors one who looked like the mighty Ghatotkach became my interviewer, we tried various acts, as we did our monologues behind the Croma wall, we shoot in 4k HD with powerful mikes and sound recording instruments. Well, at least I get to perform now in-front of the camera it will only brush up my acting skills. Let see what adits me, I have not done a single serious brand audition or otherwise this time. Yes the Portfolio distribution will help and the free lunches at Calcutta Club will pay the bills also at times, free meals are a great way to monetize a blog, free meals and free publicity it’s a simple barter. We have gone slow on the Mama Molester song recording and I will do it when I return to the city next which should be sooner than later, I like the action and the vibe, momentum is good for life. I want to be active and productive again, more than that I want to be alive.

I have two tools now, I will bait people with my storybooks and then get acting work form them, maybe use my books and stories as barter to get more work. The web has been thrown and things will begin to happen, stay positive and stay in a routine, it will all work out I keep telling myself.

Meet up with an old Pal from my corporate days Venkat an advertising man out and out. “ You lost weight man .” He looked skinny to me. Venkat was a honcho in and advertising firm and now has set out on his own. He wanted to get me married off to a spinster or a widow,” But be careful of gold diggers, you have to watch that especially in your case .” He warned me. Meet him at Powai in Aroma a new set of modern cuisine outlets that have opened up in Mumbai. One can have delicious mojito’s and chicken steaks here, not to mention the mad mastery and the cheesecake. Aroma Walk has it on a great ambiance, great decor, and interiors with the right type of soft and sharp lighting. The service is quick and it can seat a large number of guests. Sowed Venkat my posters for the web-series and my new book. Have enjoyed the one month, with rain galore and a trip to Pune, with excursions with Any to the lake at Array Colony. Mumbai beats the boredom of  Delhi any day. Still waiting for a breakthrough and still awaiting some work that will cern et my return to Bollywood.