With the coronavirus situation not relenting and even Bollywood big wigs like Amitabh Bachchan getting infected with the virus and more and more people dying of the derided respiratory disease fear has engulfed people and I got a heavy dose of that fear while having breakfast in the morning today. I was having my breakfast and had to remove my mask just so that I could eat my meal. While gobbling up my meal I sneezed and mildly gurgled to clear my throat. Needless to say, this mild coughing lead to an avalanche of attacks on me by a couple of foreigners “ shut the fuck up man this guy always coughs in the morning report him to the management, we will all get the virus because of him.” They shouted at me needless to say I was startled by the attacks and got a bit nervous ‘ I am sorry I am sorry.” I said and walked out of the dining area a bit startled and embarrassed. I walked out of the dining area and went straight into my room to be with myself.

One of the hotel staff saw the situation and came up to my room to apologize on behalf of the rude guests. Don’t worry I said to him,” They are scared due to the virus they are all good people, but the virus and the death toll are impacting them. They are nervous and fear leads to hate and distrust of others.” I explained to the staff member .” Don’t worry it is not them but the fear inside that is leading them to behave this way .” I went on with my sermon. The staff member was apologetic about it and asked for my breakfast to be delivered in my room.

This incident shows how hate amongst us as people is building with the spread of the virus, it is clear the US fighting China. Hate for the Chinese and attacks on their citizens in every country. Fear is the cause of this fear leads to hate leads to animosity and then leads to war. The only way to defeat fear is through love. Love is the antidote for fear and only love can transcend conflict because love is fearless and thus divine.

It is clear to say that fear lead the people to attack me this way and if they just watched their fear they would be in a much better place mentally.