Jerash is a city situated north of the Capital of Jordan, Amman . It is an hours drive from Amman and four and a half hours drive from Aqaba. The city of Jerash was where Jesus Christ passed through and performed an exorcism on a man possessed by demons .

Jerash is a Greco-Roman wonder and a world heritage site with old ruins and pillars. It was a once thriving city dating back to the Bronze Age, over two thousand years old. It has classical Roman Columns, temples, and fountains. Named Gerasa, it is the second most popular city in Jordon.

On the extreme side of the site is an arch called the Hadrian Arch, also known as the Triumphal Arch, which was built in AD 129 in honor of the visit of Emperor Hadrian. Behind the arch is the Hippodrome, which hosted chariot races in front of up to 15000 spectators. Fifty-six iconic columns surround the paved limestone Plaza, linking the cardio maximum with the temple of Zeus.

There are Morden souvenir shops, and the entrance ticket is ten rials, which is reasonable. Guides are also available who will take you around on a tour.

I managed to chat up a few shop owners and, as usual, sat down with them, showing my Bollywood videos of my acting with Shah Rukh Khan, who is very popular in this part of the world.

Jerash, no doubt, was enchanting, and my visit to the old excavation site was very fulfilling.