The Procession at BHUToday’s walk was a bit more exciting after taking the electric rickshaw from my hotel for the customary price of Rs 100 I was whisked off to the main gate of BHU university , the whole area was full of traffic , bikes , auto’s and street vendors . The gate of BHU was hot hub of a students protest there was police also around to keep law and order as the students clapped and chanted slogans with slogan cards in there hands , I stopped for a few minutes to see what the commotion was all about and even managed to get a few snaps and make a video of the demonstration . The cops had barricaded the area and there where a few police jeeps hovering in the area . It was about five thirty when  I entered the university campus . The campus road was congested with bikes and electric rickshaws ferrying students around as many just walked on the side walk .I spent more time looking at the greenery and the gardens as I started my power walk routine . With my semi clenched fists and both arms swings at ninety dress from side to side . I had got my moisture up right and my steps where small and measured , first the heel and then the push from the toes and the centre of the feet . I made sure to look straight and avoided the tarmac road preferring to walk on the brick laden side walk .

The dies was to loose myself in my head and just concentrate on my steps and breathe as has become customary I stopped at the juice stall for two glasses of juice and then continued with my power walk .Today I took two juice breaks one every half an hour and clocked 7.2 km of power walking .in the middle of the walk I was so thirsty once that I walked into the PWD office to have water from the fountain .

I also ventured into the more desolate and quiet side of the campus next to the staff quarters this is a quiet area and one can do brisk walking in peace . I did a lot of sweating and when I thought I had done enough I stopped an electric rickshaw and moved back towards my hotel .


The city is very alive now it seems we are opening up from the seven month long corona lockdown and a devastating second wave . There was a definite bustle in the market as all shops where. One and people where out buying stuff for the Diwali celebrations .The mood in Bananas was festive as everybody seems to be out on the road . The entire walk and the journey back was two hours long and I felt satisfied with my fat burn today . Now it was time to have a shower and a bath and settle into dinner which was chicken corn soup and chicken momo’s.

I am happy with my endeavours and over the last ten days my body has opened up after the brisk walks , I have a niggle in my legs but then when I start walking it all becomes just fine , as I walk more I have developed my own rhythm and pace which I am enjoying . That’s the main thing one must get into very aspect of weight loss be it diet , exercise the training the sweating one must enjoy the process than even loosing weight can start being fun and also a learning experience . I spend a few hours surfing about weight loss how to do a power walk the right way and other inspirations and information which can help me in my weight loss regime .


Make the weight loss program fun 


I think it is important to make your own weigh loss program fun and informative and try and share it with as many of your friends and followers . You can get some insane advice from relatives and your own fans , along with dollops of inspiration and pep talk . I have been flooded with messages and suggestions after posting about my weight loss diet and schedule . Friends wishing me luck others even suggested an addition to my diet program . Whatever said and done weight loss is something very dear to all of us . At any given point of time most people are trying to gain or shed weight , so getting fit from being obese has everyone’s eras standing up especially the ladies who are most cornered about their budging flab especially after child birth and in their early womanhood . Everyone wants to look good loose flab and become healthy , so my weight loos initiative has got a lot of people talking on my network . Some relatives have encouraged me and the others have wished me luck . I think a weight loss initiative is a very positive activity to get involved in a focus manner especially for a guy like me with a BMI of 33 falling into teh stage one obese category .Their is nothing better then getting your health in order and get charged and energised , a power walk is reinvigorating and if you can get it as part of your daily schedule it can do wonders for your health in the long term . Your skin will begin to glow and the sweating leads to cleaning of tech body it is a natural detox of sorts .


I enjoy spending time on the net learning about body mss index , the right diet and how to have a perfect posture for a power walk . It keeps me occupied during the day and then I can implement my learnings in the evening as I do my brisk walking .I have become conscious about my weight loss program and I am involved in every aspect of the schedule from designing my exercise , my diet plan and even the length of time I do my power walks . I give myself weekly wight loss goals and take my weight twice a month to confirm that I am on track to loose at least 20 kgs in four moths .


To stay motivated for log period of time it seems I will have to make variations to my diet think of new smart foods and healthy foods to add to my meals and even look at other innovative exercises and variations of power walks that can help me burn more fat and make me fit . So the more involved you are and the more fun you can make your walking schedule the better , I take photos and videos on the way and even think up some blog stripy ideas as I do my brisk walking .

But the key is to be aware of every action you take and feel everything , enjoy as you shed those kilo’s every week should be better then the previous one and you should look to burn more fat as you go along . I have kept it to 10,000 steps a day in week three and hope to reach the mile stone of 10 km a day of power walk by the end of this month itself .Once there I will stick to it every day that is about two hours plus of walking a day . That should help me get near to my weight loss gaols faster .

Make it fun by buying new shoes , head bands , track bottoms or even shiny T shirts with funny slogans that should keep your motivation going . Let’s face it this is going to br a four to five month of relentless weight loss exercise for me and I need to keep going , what better way then to  show off your new t christ to all in sundry at the BHU campus .


Power walking and your Body  posture 


The one thing that power walking helps in is that it improves the posture of an obese person a guy like me who is obese stage one . I have dropping shoulders and a back that slopes forward giving me a slight hunch , which makes me look even shorter than I actually am . As you do brisk walking and start loosing excess fat from the stomach and side waist area , you will see that your poster and body position will improve . You will be more erect upright snd straight no slouching or hunching .


Power walking if done with the correct posture can make you look more upright and erect , eve your walk and body movements will improve and become sharp .With an improved posture a guy like me will look taller then I am and smarter . But first it is important  to shed the flat and then get the poster slowly upright and erect .The shoulders should be relaxed and the spine upright no drooping or slouching . Make sure you stick to your posture and keep it that way . You might have to stop at red lights or traffic junctions , for the time being release your posture and then consciously get it back to continue walking the key thing is to be ware about what you are doing . Try not to check your mobile phones or get distracted by your headphone , if you do that you will loose your posture and thus loose the intensity and speed of your power walk .