The thing that has been most debated since mankind evolved is Dharma . Weather it be the Vedic scriptures the upanishads to the great religious texts both in the east and the west , dharma has been widely debated . What is my Dharma or the right thing to do when you meet situations , tricky challenges in life , how do you decide what is right for you , because what is right for you to do may hurt some on else or may be wrong for others . We live in an interconnected world and society were actions of one effects others , though a ripple effect . As society we are interdependent on each other as a ecosystem , so my right can be your wrong . No were do we see this conundrum more at play , then in our mythological and religious theories . From Mahabharata and Ramayana all stories we see each character debating dharma . Weather be it Arjun in the Geeta or Bhishma before the war , in Ramayana you had the great samvad between Ravana and Kumbhakarna . Dharma has been widely debated what road does one take and what could be the consequences of each road taken , this invariably results in a persons Karma . Dharma automatically translates into Karma .What you sow is what you will reap , most of us live at very low level of consciousness and are mechanical wit our decision making we are thus not aware of our actions let alone the consequences of them.

When you decide and act at a deeper level of understanding you will get your answer to what is right for you your charm as it were . Remember it has to come from a deep insight and intellect after evaluation . When you cat on your dharma be ready to understand the consequences of the acting and the resultant karma you create . As it were the consequences are for you to bear and they may not be pleasant but you must be ready to take the hit .Except the result of your action fully then their is no need to worry . Remember in the world their are no friends and no enemies , everyone is associated with each other through. Bond of interdependence you are your own friend and your own enemy .So as long as you can decide on your Dharma form a deeper level you will k now it is the right thing for you to do . The consequences both ways are for you to suffer pleasant or unpleasant you cannot put the blame on others and the world due to the resultant actions of your dharma , it is only for your to understand and bear . In the Mahabharata all characters were attached to Their Dharama and that resulted in them being on either side of the war , some with the Kauravas the others with the Pandavas they had decided their road and the karma was for them to bear.

Both Karma and Dharma are eastern philosophical principles and it was we who taught them to the west these are purely Easter philosophical principles that the west absorbed . Karma says as you so you will reap if not in this life in the next life . The principle has a sense of justice attached to it , if you feel some one has worked you and done bad to you , karma reassures you that that person will suffer one day for their actions .Karma is thus like divine justice , as theological theory that States that their is a natural way of justice that the universe meets out to all of us and the universe is always eves dropping on us like a ever present policemen nothing escapes it’s eyes .

In Christianity we have the confession box were one can confess their sins infant of God and Jesus and be relived of their sins . We as Hindu’s do the same by cleansing our sins in the Ganges , the karma’s of the past are waged away so new karma can be generated and the cycle goes on endlessly .