Daily Work

One of the things effective artist does is daily work. They work every day and schedule their time accordingly, they make sure they put in the daily work on their art and use it to produce a new piece of music, writing, painting or even a symphony. Make sure I write every day and at least spend two to three hours a day actually doing it. One needs to do the work in a deck-lend manner and do it repeatedly over a period of time.

Volumes vs Perfection :

Make sure you have a huge volume of work, concentrate on getting your work completed and out there for people to critique. You need a large volume of work all the greats like Picasso and Mozart had made a large number of paintings, drawings, and symphony, although we only remember a hand full of their successes. Don’t hate time in idle procrastination and try and reach for ultimate perfection because you know you will not get there. So get work volumes of it out and do it diligently.

Commit daylight robbery ;

The effective artist knows the art of stealing from other artists, you can call it inspiration, spark or just plain theft of an idea or a thought. Creativity is the act of stealing someone else idea and making it your own. It is better to steal one idea from many different sources and artist then to steal an idea from one artist, that would be plagiarism. But stealing is a naak a successful and effective artist needs to learn.

Practice doesn’t make you perfect :

Most people think that the more you practice the more you improve and become productive. But pure practice is not enough after some time practicing just gets you no incremental result. Procrastination also becomes a huge part of practicing. Rather than, that I believe in conscious learning where I was aware of what I actually was doing. Be more aware of your actions and work as you are doing it more here and now.


Creatively can only take place in a restful place when you are relaxed. So rest is very important where you ate your mind off the immediate subject and put it elsewhere. Breaks of sorts, a walkabout in the park or engage your mind in some other activity and task. Stephen King would write a novel in 3 months and then go for a holiday for 6 weeks when he returned he would re-read his manuscript. Now it felt he was reading the story from the point of view of the first reader. These states of restfulness can give you great insights. These you can get singing in the shower or over the toilet seat, a lot of ideas come in the loo.   Take rest and relist your work with a new yes and newer perspective.

Get Feedback

The effective artist seeks feedback all the time and lots of it, they are hungry for feedback. They seek it from others and that is how they are able to seek feedback. They can thus improve their work and are able to connect better with their followers and admires. They are interested in what you have to say honestly about the work of art they have created.

Create what you love

Work on what you love the most, the topics and themes that excite you and motivates you to focus more. Look at things you enjoy the most, I enjoy traveling and writing so I became a blogger and then a published author. I look into stories that excite me and those that are real. I delve into the works of artists who inspire me and issues that are deeply connected to me. So my art ends up becoming a lot like me. Your heart has to be in what you are doing as an artist.