I was amazed I switched youtube.com on my laptop and was immediately served a documentary from a news channel in Australia and 60 min show in the US showing a new tree in society that of Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies. These are rich older men dating young girls for fun and pleasure, paying them good money for their time and company. New age prostitution or just another form of dating that was the discussion on the show. Does it empower women or degrades them.
I was amazed by how the youtube.com algorithm had managed to figure out that I had just finished writing my book Party Girls which is on the same topic and interest. The book is sold on amazon.com, man the net is surely spying on us big time and not only that it has us all mapped out through the user data that we generate during the day when we are online. We are then only served content and ads that are of things that interest us, our every desire, behavior, impulses, purchase patterns, tastes and hobbies are tracked and analyzed, giving the technocrats I praise image of us, at the end of the day we the people the humans ourselves have become the commodity, which is driven by a cyber technocracy.
So what is Technocracy, well it is a new form of Democracy or an advanced version of it. Here technology, data, AI, 5G are the new tools and pillars of the system. A Democracy is run by elected representatives of the people. Technocracy will be run by less than 1% of the population these are the people who invent and own technology and those who own most of the world’s wealth. Elected politicians at times will be just puppets in the hands of this cult-like force where a hand full of people at the cutting edge of technology will run the country and the democratic system though existent in its form will be made redundant, as a hand full of wealthy technocrats will be running the country.
Armed with data and hi-tech AI and mining tools we the masses will be just mere products for the people to be served up products and services too.
The world is entering a new phase a new age the age of Technocracy. Remember Gordon Gekko’s words in the film Wall Street,” The most important thing in life is Information .” Well, the people who have most of the information and data have most of the wealth and power. Just look at the NYSE the top 20 companies are mostly tech giants and they are not only into manufacturing products but also delivering it and servicing it.
The elections are held on electric ballots and now you can now cast your vote online. Democracy is at the mercy of Wifi and technology and we know how it can be manipulated and abused. A sort of obscure cult of wealthy technocrats will be running the role soon, with weak frontal democracy, which will just be a face behind the curtain will be the rich technocrats, playing us like puppets which are held by Wifi strings.