The energy that resides inside the body is active and cab expand or contact, move upwards in the body or downwards towards the groins. It is this movement of energy that crates all the wonder in the body and through it. If you move it up it activates imagination, intuition, premonition, analysis, memory, and many such things related to the mind, if you move it even up it leads to the state of no-mind, where pure bliss and emptiness exists, it is what meditators call the pause. The silence within the mind, the gaps between the individual strain of brain activity and thought impulses. Dynamic mediation does that quite effectively, where you have to dance and vigorously shake your body and then become still to feel the pause and the gaps in the mind. It is a blow out kind of situation, a complete head wash. Deep chaotic breathing along with great vigorous activity, that culminates in the feeling of Shunyata or the silence within. It is here that you can feel the silence and entire into no mind the gap.
Now when you move this energy into the groin or the Mula Dhar Chakra the repressed sexual energies get activated and the only way to release them is through sexual activity, either masturbation or straight sex. But it is important to release it as it is energy, that’s it I think we should take it as a release of sexual energy. It is also a form of cleansing internally and you will feel fresh and invigorated.
So stop repressing sexual energy and have fun with it either through multiple partners or single committed partner you should make it fun and a religious experience so that both partners can have gratification.