It seems the war between Facebook , Twitter and other social media platforms is not yet over but has moved into the next phase . The IT ministry had come up with a set of guidelines to regulate toxic posts on social media platforms . Which includes hate speech’s against a community , posts that incite violence and communal disharmony and are angst the security of the state or meant to de stabilize the government . It and also asked the platforms to employ a grievance rehearsal officer who should be a resident of the country to deal with toxic and socially harmful posts . The guidelines asked for better screening of the posts and a monthly report of grievance management . Many posts during the farmer protests including dozens of  hashtag’s were removed during the farmer protests , but after a month twitter re opened closed accounts siting freedom of speech issues  , that seemed to have irked the government further .

Finally today police was sent to the Delhi office of Twitter and a legal notice was served to them for non compliance of the said guidelines . The government can use the strong arm of the law and the provisions provided under the IT act section 69A and take criminal action against teh social media sites . Under this their management can be sent to jail for upto seven years for non compliance of guidelines .

The action has political undertones as well as there was a matter of BJP spokesman Sambit patra’s toolkit on twitter that provoked this strong response form the IT ministry which handed out the notice to the police .Their have been anti BJP toolkits discrediting the party’s handling of COVID that was being floated around as well . Twitter has come in the firing line as BJP and Congress battle each other on social media .