Now that I have a dozen e books out on , kindle , kobo and google play . The next key to success is how you price your e books . Remember that the royalties on e books priced between $2.99 and $ 9.99 is double shares 70% royalties on sales price for books at a higher price bracket . The royalty for books priced below $2.99 is only 35% . Now we know that is rewarding those who sell at a higher price their fore encouraging people to price their books higher . But for a new author who has just tested the market for less then a year and is yet to build a brand and credibility as a published author , you have to make sure your book is read by more and more people and therefor volumes cannot be ignored , the higher the price the lesser the volume.

I have taken a variable pricing approach where I have kept the price of 70% of my e books at $2.99 or below . The  rest 30% of my e books are priced between $4 to $7 that is the median price range that still fetches 70% in royalty on every sale. You have majority of books especially the self-help books and erotic at a cheaper rate this is the drive volume and more visibility more people read more they will recommend , more authentic reviews and referrals .This will drive volume for the lower priced e books . Here you can see one has done justice to both the volume and profitability aspect of e book sales .

But one needs to keep monitoring and seeing trends , the pricing can be tweaked later after one sees which books and selling and which are not .

So as a conclusion I would say use a variable pricing policy for your e books and make sure you write a lot of them .