The Amboseli leg of my journey was coming to an end and it was time for us to move towards mount Kenya. In the meanwhile I also took the opportunity to apply for my Zambia visa online. I used a 3G dongle with a local SIM card to get access to internet on the move and while the connection was not exactly stellar – it did get the job done!

I could upload and send mails , everything on the move from the comfort of my van. I am thinking now that I need to go back and tie up with a telecom service provider and get a discounted deal. Telecommunication cost can be a substantial part of ones travelling expenses especially if you also want to blog while at it.

Kenyans are of a much darker skin type then say the Madagascan and the women here love to do stuff to their hair. They tie them up in different styles and shapes and colours and all very fashionable.

After an African massage which is a delectable way of calling what one feels when your car goes over dirt tracks in the park we finally got tarmac road and buzzed away towards Nairobi.

Stopping over at times for a meal of chicken stew and chapati. Yes samosa and chapati are two Indian items which are readily available in Kenya and long live the traditional global cuisine of India. The journey to Mount Kenya was long but the weather was at a cheerful 18 degree.

We were on the road for more then twelve hours till we finally arrived our destination the town of Nanyuki. I was dog tired a quick shower and a meal and I crashed out. Next day was the chance to catch the equator!

We went to the spot where the equator passes Kenya and took a few snaps. Its just a board saying Equator and of course if you keep a compass on the spot it will just hang their neutral. Kenya is comfortable place to travel and most things are very organised. The trams work and the service is very good and accommodating. The roads are suited for the cars that run on them mainly Toyota or Landrovers which you can spot all over at Kenya.

I didn’t want to eat at the hotel and so I walked up a few kilometres to find dinner. It turned out to be good and the waiter greeted me ‘ Hello sir you look to be from India . Ah your prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi was just here a few weeks back. Very good man and very strong . “  Yup I recall now – the Indian PM was just at Africa a few days back and no our paths did not cross! I ordered a whiskey and Chicken and Rice African style. “ Of course we were taught about Mahatma Gandhi in school also and about Indra Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi , so many Gandhi in India , I use to be amazed .” the waiter said with a slight chuckle and I realised he was right! I gulped my whiskey and chewed on two meat samosas and wandering out at times to enjoy a smoke and soak in the night air and the nip in the air of Africa.

With dinner done, I headed back into my room to admire the wild life shots I’d taken. I thought they had come out real nice – even though I am at best an amateur here! It’s as if I was soaked into the Nectar of Africa and it’s wild life.

At time they were so near I could have reached out and almost touch the animals and my photography skills seem to be improving though I still can’t tell an ISO from a shutter speed!

 I have learned to be patient as a photographer and wait for the subject to come to me. I try to pay attention to the frame, the light, angle and shot type.

Though I am new to it I realise capturing wildlife is something else and a real pleasure.