I am happy to announce to you guys that my new e-book Putli is now launched on KDP Amazon.

Sushant Gupta  is a middle aged archeologist living amongst the hills next to a  Jheel that’s freezes in the winters . He is excavating an old church where in he believe lies the gave of the crucified Jesus Christ . Sushant wants to prove that Jesus spent his last days in Kashmir and he id digging away to find clues to his theory that would turn the entire Catholic faith on it’s heads and disprove the New Testament that states the Christ was crucified on the Golgotha Hills . He finds the church but under the mud and the relic he also finds a one eyed wooden doll with tick lips with the name Akanksha . Far away in the Vatican the good reverent Jim Jones has been touched by the spirit of Jesus and is performing miracles through his faith . He is about to meet his nemesis Akanksha the doll who is so so ready to play and cause Havoc both in the life of the local hill dwellers and in the life of her new master Sushant Gupta . Watch as the mysterious doll causes fear and mayhem all because she wants to play . How will the murderous doll be tamed and how can it be destroyed will Jim Jones faith come to his rescue find out as you turn the pages of this book about faith and the horrors of death .


you can read book from given below links

KDP Linkhttps://www.amazon.in/dp/B097B97MZH