The Book Airport Kabul follows the turmoil in Afghanistan with the Taliban take over and the panicky withdrawal of American Troops from the country. The book traces the journey of an Afghan Family through the eyes of Hasija an interpreter her husband Jalal her sister Rabia and her cook Hamid. They are trying to get out of Kabul through the Kabul Airport. Will they be able to make it out of Afghanistan and fly to freedom and safety? While the family is desperately making a bid to get on the next plane they are being followed by two suicide bombers who have been instructed to finish them off. The chaos at the Kabul Airport and the subsequent confusion due to this sudden change in power structure is captured in this book. All the while, are chief protagonist Hasija is pregnant and suffering from acute labor will her child make it? To know more about the fate of the family read this page-turner Airport Kabul.