Nineteen my new book that is positioned as a pandemics tale has just been officially released on and through the KDP select program, priced at Rs 299 it is a steal with an esoteric and vibrant cover. Nineteen is a Novel that traces the journey of Four main characters Yamini Kaul the head of a startup BioTech company called BioFizz as she struggles to find a vaccine for the COVID 19 virus. The story is based on the backdrop of the COVID -19 Pandemic in Mumbai. Zubeda Parker an upright and ethical reporter who covers the pandemic through her unique story angles at grave personal risk for her news Channel GoodMorning news. Sanjeev Gupta who is a co-founding partner in the company grapples with his own inner fear and claustrophobia as he attempts to take Bio Fizz to an IPO after the pandemic is over. Above all it is the tale of Danpani the Srilankan Mystical monk who is out on a quest to save humanity, but as his master told him his fate is such that his Glory goes hand in hand with his doom. Will the company BioFizz find the mercurial vaccine cure and above all will the prophecy of Dalpani’s master Kalpani come true. Read on and find out as city and the entire world grapples with a disease that has no cure and the nearest cure is at least a year away. As humanity stays locked indoors and contemplates its fate, will the species survive the virus attack, find out more as you flip the pages of this exciting novel.

The Chinese symbol for the number 19 is the art design I have used as the cover symbol of the book it is Nineteen written in the Chinese language. The coronavirus strand is at the background of this symbol more or less like a faint watermark.

I will be running a free one week offer where you can download the book for free and enjoy reading it through and kdp select, you can also download the kdp app and read the book on kindle on the mobile itself. The book has been edited by Sankalpita she is the top book blogger on the planet running her own book blog called

It is also one of my longest novel with 37,000 words long it is 132 pages in length on KDP. Their edit quality will be far more superior than my previous books as great care has been taken to edit it and improve the copy and the story format.