Now that I have three audio books live and selling on audible and I tunes my first payment has arrived total seven audio books have been sold on the platform and I have received a royalty of $ 11.35 . This is my first royalty check from audible and I am ecstatic , now both my systems are working I have a royalty process going from and KDP Select and now the royalty system has begun from audible too.

Click on given below link to see PDF File 

My First Payment from the sale of my audio books

I have 4 more audio books which will be out on sale by the end of the month , that will get the wheel going and for as book sale goes.

The money from the sale will be used as pocket money from my God Son Shaan Shahzad the son of my dear friend Amir who resides in London.

Travelthon   Tales , Yes Sir I killed my Dad , Madness of the Monk all books are now selling on I Tunes and