I came to Mumbai four months back armed with a bag full of 23 books packed with good stories from all around the world. I had 6 books on travel 1 in poetry 5 self-help books 1 book on food and travel 3 fiction stories on spirituality, home dispute, and Aghodi cult. Out of all the books in my KDP select repertoire the books that buyers and prospective buyers have shown most interest on is Yes sir I killed my dad, this has already sold to Day-tee Productions. The other two in line to be sold are Party Girls and I also slept with Rashmi Verma.

Needless to say that the primary content themes that are most desired by the youth and the platforms fall under murder, drugs, sex, and decapitation. This seems to be the primary content theme that people want to watch today and the people get what they want. The market in this space is driven by this predominant theme. Which is a reflection on what the audience in India and to some extent the globe binge on?

Our minds are driven by dark themes we want to fantasize about things that have been forbidden to us by society at large. Serial killers, hacking, and murders ignite our visual appetites, all of us have a dark side, and these themes in a way help us to connect with our dark side in a harmless way though the OTT visual medium.

We as people fantasize about sex all the time and that is a major theme of content that sells along with violence and gore most web movies or specials carry these predominant themes and these are the easiest to sell for new authors like me who have just jumped into the market. So if you want to sell your books and stories make sure you have a huge dose of content that revolves around these themes.

These are exciting themes that add some rape, transgender angle, child molestation, and Psychotherapy with twisted shrinks and burnt of coke whores  , you guessed it you have a perfect cocktail of an uninterrupted web movie. The more bizarre the better it will sell and the more it will stick in the mind of the viewer who has your undivided attention.

So young authors make sure you keep your content around these themes they will sell well and sell fast in these times.