The eerie serenity continues as streets of Mumbai remain desolate especially at night. I decided to venture out at 3 am to find some smokes for myself and managed to catch the eye of two cops coming on a motorbike from the other side as I ventured out of the gate of my large and spacious hotel which has kept me safe in its bosom for the past few months. The Pandemic is not receding as yet as more and more people become sick due to the virus. I was told to go back and was given a warning for not wearing my mask at night. The cops checked my bag and then with a warning asked me to go back into my hotel room. It is safe to say that people are still being asked to stay indoors a friend has been trying to come to Mumbai from Punjab but is still stuck as he is trying to get all the paperwork done so that he can take an interstate taxi to come to the maximum city as flying has its own hazards and that is quarantined for 14 days. No one wants to end up in a hospital or a public ward coughing and spluttering for an unknown virus that has no cure.

The atmosphere in my room is tranquil as I am feasting on good food and my hygiene situation is A grade, so I feel safer than most in this country, but then the virus can strike anyone at any time no one is totally safe from its impact.

Went for a walk on the beach in the morning just to get the blood circulating in the body, Juhu Beach did have some crowd but it was minuscule as people were taking brisk walks in the morning. But the state of the beach was pathetic and tardy with litter and garbage all across the sandy beach as the sea waves lapped up everything, I walked for a few minutes but the dirt was an eyesore and I decided to walk back to the safety of my room.

Ashish Parasher my buddy these days landed up in the evening to give me company if it wants for him my days in Mumbai would have been slow and boring. We did our occasional banter and trash talk and managed each other’s egos. I was especially intrigued by the new money chants that Ashish shared with me, these are chants that focus your mind on money and how to invite wealth in your life through visualization and affirmations. Something that does work if done in a focused and dedicated manner. But for most, it is just a mind fuck one other way of fucking your head. It is like chanting a mantra and wishing that the object of his chant will manifest in your life.

This is an age-old technique of applying focused attention, though, and affirmation to will something and make it appear indoor life. It works for some but not for all as it requires a lot of brainpower and intense feelings directed for something.

I still await the sale of my next two books as I move to make bundle packs out of my ebooks.