Travel weary as I was, I had found happiness in my adventures, treading the untrod path but the soul needed salve and yeah the rest of me could use some loving. My evenings at the African Island were better spent and I struck a friendship with a rather beautiful French Mauritian lady and let us call her Cynthia.

Great in Black & White
Great in Black & White

Tall and statuesque with long blond hair, eyes that reminded me of that forgotten Raj Kapoor discovery and possible gangster moll Mandakini and buxom. She was a sight for sore eyes to say the least. We had been chatting and I am always a chatty guy, better if intoxicated and we’d gone out for a few dinners to the near by restaurants where I noted and complimented on how photogenic she was. Ram-teri-ganga-maili” You are a delight just utterly beautiful you could be a  actress you know like Julia Roberts . In fact you remind me a lot of an Indian film actress called Mandakini who stared the hit film Ram Teri Ganga Maili directed by a Mr. Raj Kapoor.” She spoke fluent English and was articulate and confident in her self and not camera shy and I clicked  away when we sat at the restaurant having our meal.

We strolled down the tiny streets and alley ways of Mahebourg in the evening and I wanted to drown in those eyes. The sexual tension had been building up and while I won’t say there was no quid pro quo I knew we were definitely going to have a dalliance of the flesh. Fresh off the boat from the land of the kamasutra at Khajuraho – I knew there were quite a few things I wanted to do.  She loved fish and I took some fish packed for her after finishing my drink and also some protection in my pocket and I was ready for another date of my life.

Fishy with eyes that you want to drown in !!
Fishy with eyes that you want to drown in !!

Oh Cynthia lovely that she was with a flawless skin akin that might shame a baby’s bottom, pleasing to the touch and t eh bedside manners of royalty. She was open and inviting and was good at what she did and we made unbounded love and Vatsayana would have been proud of me!

We had a quick shower together after dinner and were in foreplay mode for a while prepping for the main course. She knew how to use all that the almighty had given her and we had soothing discussions on life as we made a go of it!

This went on for a few hours the lounge music of the Buddha Bar playing on the background as we collapsed back exhausted.

Mandakini & I  - ok not really !!
Mandakini & I – ok not really !!

The light of the lamp near by fell on her and she looked gorgeous smoking a cigarette with the post coital after glow. I had to take a few shots with my camera as I knew it would be some time that she would stay in my mind and in my heart after my time at the island was done and I was gone!

It was my last night in this country and the sun was about to rise and I could see the dance of light from the veranda of my room at the Coco Villa. A boat passed by as the sun came up at the tip of the sea and suddenly the whole sky lit up into a orange hue of fiery light.

I clicked away trying to capture the best part of the sunrise, my last here as I headed further and yet a part of me was going to always remember this place. At a distance fishermen in their boats began their day and early in search of a fresh catch .

I will never forget my time in this enchanting island and of course my Cynthia wrapped around her as I welcomed the morning in her arms.