Finishing Bangalore, I was planning ahead and I wanted to do the inner country – visit some temples, spiritual center of sorts and wanted to mix it up a bit as it were and I planned an itinerary VaranasiKhajurahoPuri!

Khajuraho that small settlement in Middle India – Madhya Pradesh had the most astonishing temples, sculptures and arts. It is a manner of erotica Indian Style, all Kamasutra on Temple Walls and sculpture of gods and goddesses making love playfully in various postures and combinations. Many carvings depict multiple partners making love together in a harmonic stance. I am all booked  to Varanasi which is a close place to land a commercial plane economically I guess and next day a Varanasi to Khajuraho all for Rs 10,600, $157 only . 

My Booking’s one night at Varanasi and the rest in Khajuraho are done once again through OYO rooms and while they don’t pay me at all I keep plugging them anyway!  And yes we have them in Khajuraho also, after all it is a world Heritage Site Funded by the United Nations.

I want to explore the Lakshmana Temple , The Kandariya Mahadev, Vishvanath and Parasvanath Temple. Also to take some good photos on my dear my Canon D1200 starter/entry level camera.

I managed to tap into my network and my night stop at Varanasi I found a “facebook friend”  Bharti Singh as my guide to the city. We plan to go filming the ghats in the night and catch a glimpse of this holy of holiest city for the Hindus. I managed to find another friend of mine from my days at Welham Boys, a gentlemen by the name of Gagan Gahlot who runs a tiger life sanctuary five hours from Khajuraho. I called him up at booked myself for two nights at the safari park there. My schedule is jam packed for June with oodles of activity and meeting friends. What more can one ask for if not more ?!!