I woke up as usual a bit late this was to be my last day in Hampi and Hospet , Ravi and his friends had promised to take me to Hampi they wanted me to see the Lotus Mahal , The Vishnu Temple , along with a view of the Elephant Stables and Ranga Temple . The sun was out and the temperature by noon had hit thirty-four degrees. I had a Spartan breakfast of toast and egg and then went on to take a long bath .


I waited for the boys to arrive and they soon did , we pushed off for Hampi which was about twenty minutes away , no need for a guide today as I had Ravi and his friends to give me company .We drove upto the Lotus Mahal a ancient building made out of red stone , it had walls filled up with water so that in the hot afternoon the queen could come and rest their in its room which would remain cool due to the water that ran through its walls and pillars .Hampi is a percent place for Hippies their where Russians and Israel tourists as well , all strolling around trying to figure out the various monuments that little Hampi a testimony to the ancient  Vijaynagar empire .

I had managed to grab an orange bar ice cream and also treated my friends with a lemon soda each , it was afternoon time now and the sun was out as we all meandered through the dusty monuments of Hampi . I spotted goats and along the wall of the Vishnu temple sat a goat herder. He had a stick in his hand as he kept an active watch on the goats .What excited me where the pillars and the carvings on the pillars , one of the temple walls was full of carvings each depicting a story from the Hindu epic Ramayana .


I also enjoyed taking pictures of the roofs of these monuments many of them made from red stone and brick .Then their was the Hazararama temple made out from brown sandstone its wall full of ancient carvings of elephants , dancing girls and even horses . The Elephant stables where another high point of Hampi . It is indeed an ancient and sleepy town , a land full of broken stone monuments still a testimony of a great empire that once existed here .”There are only three temples here where prayers are performed .” Ravi informed me . “ There is a a running water stream here as well a few kilometers from here we must stop there .” Ravi said trying to be the senior guide .


We where a group of four really humping around Hampi . I did manage to take some cinematic videos also which was cool the bright blue sky being my background at most times .The red dust and the brown and grey texture of the landscape had become my constant companion as I slowly turned away with my friends around Hampi . We took it easy and I for one was paying keen attention to the temples and how they had been built .


After our initial walk about it was mutually decided to head for the Evergreen Cafe for a late lunch . It was getting very hot I could feel the sweat on my face and on my neck. We stopped over at a running water stream Ravi wanted me to take a dip , but I just walked around the stream taking pictures . This was the coolest spot of the afternoon the gushing water and the green trees quite a contrast.


The Evergreen Caffe was some distance away and when we finally got their we were asked to remove our shoes before we entered which I reluctantly did . It had some great pancakes and falafel typical Israeli stuff along with fruit juice and lemon.” So I hope your will remember your friends when you leave the city tomorrow Anuj .” Ravi asked me . I smiled and replied ,” You know a true traveler never gets attached to the places and people he meets or travels too otherwise he will just stay and not travel further to other destination egger to meet new people and forge new relationships . As a traveler I can’t get attached.” I replied trying to sound philosophical. “Yes ! But you dare not forget us .” Ravi wanted me to stay back for a few more days , but my mind was made up I had a flight to catch from Hubli to my next destination Mysore . “ I will see if I can come back on your birthday maybe then .” I did not want to disappoint my hosts , they had been so hospitable to me all along .


Lunch was light and not very hot so I enjoyed it having watermelon juice all the while , desserts was caramel ice cream , topped with chocolate . It was light but I felt full, my hunger pan gas had disappeared . I would recommend the Evergreen cafe to others has well it has a very casual floor siting arrangements and you can even lie back on pillows to feel totally relaxed, plus it is much cooler as cool wind blows on the top half of the cafe . It has a good cafe owner and chefs who are very kind and caring I took a selfie with the owner he was thrilled to meet a Bollywood actor that too in Hampi .


I got busy showing the manager my YouTube videos and clips from my old Bollywood films like Rap ne bana di jodi and Jodi Breakers , they were all very excited . “ We will all miss you Anuj and I hope you will return again or we will come and see you in Dehra Doon as well .” Ravi was already feeling a bit nostalgic after all we all had spent a entire week together exploring the city and its ancient past .


The sun was beating down on us as it was four in the afternoon already after finishing our meal which also included fish fries and onion rings we got back into our cars heading straight back to my hotel aptly called Hotel Hampi .


As for me I cooled my self under the shower and had a long bath to cool my body down it was hot and I needed to be in the comfort of my room , Ravi and his mates where with me relaxing gingery with me in my room . “ We will arrange for a taxi tomorrow for Hubli , you need not worry .” Ravi was already to make my trip relaxing and worthwhile he was managing everything and that took a load from my head. The Karnataka Kaleidoscope Odyssey has started off well , I have meet friends and seen an ancient city and  a lost civilization  from so up close . The city cools up again at night the temperatures drop by as much as six degrees and one can wander off on the street after dinner that’s what I usually do just to get my digestion going . The temples of the city are a marvel to see and many of them remind me of the temples I saw in Sri lanka .


Now I say farewell to a city which has hosted me so well thought the week. I will cherish this visit and now share it with all my readers.