1. Create evergreen content for your blog
Writing on topics that users will clearly need for a while is one good way to ensure higher blog traffic. Learn to identify the recurring questions people ask today or need help with all the time.
2. Write content on a trending topic
We live in a fast paced world. Internet users search for information on blogs to help them boost that speed. Do NOT slow them down with posts on old topics that many would have forgotten or moved on from. Write on trending topics or recent happenings that are likely to be searched.
3. Optimize your posts for search engines
This serves a multi-fold purpose – Makes the article easier to find by the searcher and easier to detect by the search engines. Optimized posts result in better ranking which is essential to increase traffic.
4. Target long-tail keywords
Long tail keywords are those three and four keyword phrases which are very, very specific to whatever you are selling to your customer.
The game of keywords is simple – Include words you think people will search for. What is tricky is including the most of it in your blog and not compromising over quality. Often writers tend to give the highest priority to keywords to the point where the post is one huge block of meaningless text.
Also, search engines have caught up to that so it is no longer a smart option. Instead, write long-tailed keywords to include the most in one compact sentence.
For instance: ‘best movies’ will give you lesser search traffic than ‘best movies Hollywood 2014’ because you included a larger set of words that will relate to what people search for.
5. Write a catchy headline
The title or headline of any blog post is the most important factor, because search engine and human always look at the headline first and then decide to read the article.
It has been seen over the years that people love to read list posts. Try to use number in your headline and then write an in-depth content.