I got up late today it was almost noon and the sunlight hit me flush on my face as I opened my eyes gingerly, it was noon for sure and I could hear the traffic through the open glass window of my room. The sun was out and I could still hear the clatter of construction taking place mourned my hotel. I realized that I had asked my friend Ravi to come over for lunch, so it was important for me to start my day however lazy and lethargic I felt. It is true the afternoon heat has made me slow. Soon Ravi arrived with couple of his work mates, his lovely daughter was in toe. “You know that Indian flag post it is the tallest flow post in India.” Ravi pointed to a large flag post almost three kilometers for the hotel. It according to Ravi was the tallest flag post carrying the Indian flag, now that was a new revelation for me, man one does learn new things when one is travelling.

We sat down with a few beers and snacks, the boys wanted to unwind and sat down for lunch along with a gossip session, all my guest had been living in the city for over a decade and where almost like natives of Hampi. I was happy to get all the first-hand information on the area, Ravi also promised to take me for his own private tour of Hampi in his car tomorrow.” We have spent simple life here, but one has to work luckily the steel business gives the people here some employment and there is always some construction work or another going on in the area “Ravi explained as we all drink beer and had masala peanuts.” Two things that are distinct here is the afternoon heat and the chilies and masala in the food it’s just too hot for me to handle but I am sure you guys are used to it.” I told the Kannada boys.” Yes, but we are sued to it, we don’t have a night life here so we all get together for drinks and dinner most evenings that along with music and movies that’s are only entertainment.” Ravi said trying to acquaint me with what life here in this city is.

I managed to catch up with a walk around the city and managed to walk past the bus depot, there was a local bank and an outlet of Reliance Fish selling daily grocery there was also a medical store. The basic amenities of the locals are meet fairly by the commodities sold in the market place.

On the pavement I saw an old beggar woman having tea she had lost most of her teeth, she was laughing at me and staring at me with her piercing green eyes, it was light to behold she was dark old and frail but her face shone brightly. I decided to do a tit for tat and made facial gestures to her, of my own, I would move my cheeks form right to left or puff them. The beggar woman would laugh and make faces at me. Just a minor distraction on my daily walks. It’s going to be khichdi for dinner as well it seems, I just can’t handle a hot spicy curry not in Karnataka at least. For me I have been saved by the prawn and chicken fried rice as Chinese food is not that spicy.

The nights are dry and aired and the temperature is about 28 degrees, I was told by Ravi and his friends that Coorg will be much cooler as it is near the mountains and hills, they insisted that I go to the Chamundi Hills as well. They have been fumigating the hotel all evening trying to ward away insects and mosquito. My lonely walks are my only solace and the only way I can lose myself in the streets of Hampi.