The Amman Citadel 


After recovering from a day-long jet lag, I managed to get up early today for breakfast and was ready to take the city tour of Amman. I became friendly with a taxi driver named Issam, who took me to the day’s first stop, the Amman Citadel. This is an old archeological wonder at the heart of the city. It has the ancient temple of Hercules, along with a museum. The historic site has an old 1700-meter wall dating back to the bronze age. It also has the iconic Umayyad place along with the temple of Hercules. You can cover the entire site within two hours, and this is a perfect place to get a panoramic view of the city of Amman, as the ruins are at a great height, towering over the city. The breathtaking view is a perfect spot for taking some great pictures. The site is 850 meters above sea level and is a UNESCO world heritage site. There is also the old Byzantine church that one can visit. The place dates back to the Bronze Age and the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad eras. The temple of Hercules has two towering pillars that are thirty feet tall and date back to 160 CE. One can get a visitor pass for three riyals and a tour guide for thirty riyals who will take you around the place. All in all, it was a tremendous historical experience.


King Abdullah Mosque 


The King Abdullah I Mosque in Amman, Jordan, was built between 1982 and 1989. It is capped by a blue mosaic dome beneath which 3,000 Muslims may offer prayer. Tourists are allowed to visit. Men must have long trousers on, and women must cover their heads, arms, and legs. This was my next stop. There are also a couple of shops where one can buy artefacts and memorabilia that depict the true culture of the city.


Roman Theatre 


Roman Theatre of Amman is a 6,000-seat, 2nd-century Roman theatre. A famous landmark in the Jordanian capital dates back to the Roman period when the city was known as Philadelphia. It also has a history museum that shows the nomadic roots of the people of Jordon.


Hair Cut at a local Babar Shop 


I also managed to get a hair cut and have wax inserted in my ears and nostrils to get rid of the unwanted hair in those areas. All the while, my taxi driver kept me company.


Traditional Food’s of Jordon 


I tucked into Mansaf and Khanif, the traditional foods of Jordan. Mansaf is The conventional signature dish of Jordan and a source of pride for all Jordanians who make the best Mansaf. A large platter of white rice over paper-thin bread called “Shrak” topped with pull-apart lamb cuts and soaked in a special sauce made from dried yogurt called Jameed.


 Every meal has a dessert, and Knafeh will stand out. It consists of crispy baked dough made from either semolina or vermicelli noodles, topped with a unique white cheese. Once it has gotten a crisp golden brown color, it is flipped, doused with a special syrup, and sprinkled with pistachios to add more texture.