As I said along with my fitness plan I am also on a drive to quit my smoking habit and habit of having paan masala. I used to have two to three small packets of Pan masala a day. This is my second day of having no Paan Masala as I have replaced that habit by having saunf and bits of mango papad. I used to smoke 12 to 13 cigarettes a day. Now when I smoke I throw the cigarette butt in a special dustbin placed outside my garden, now at the end of the day when I go to bed I can count the total number of cigarettes I smoke. My goal is to reduce my cigarette intake by one cigarette every day and try to lick the habit within the next two to three weeks completely.

Paan Masala is easier to leave for me but smoking is very difficult as a writer I take lots of breaks to freshen my mind and it is during these frequent writing breaks I take a smoke, it helps me think and write. So it is a habit that is very well entrenched in my mind it is more a phycological habit I have had for over a decade and kicking it is proving very difficult.


I am thus counting my cigarettes every day and then consciously reducing it by one every day, it is tough but it’s something that has to be achieved for my overall health improvement. Smoking is something I have to leave as I get fitter and add more exercise to my daily schedule, the exercise should distract me from smoking more throughout the day and I am sure with will power I will be able to kick the habit that can prove deadly for me as I age.