Exactly a week back I started my journey on losing weight  , when I (ANUJ TIKKU) took up this gigantic task of loosing weight consciously was 98 kgs . I know I have just let myself go over the last decade or so . I have always been on the chubby side since my childhood days , I always had a little belly even as a teenager and it remained so . My height is 5 feet 7 and a half inches and I have a broad frame and a well expanded chest . A person with my body type should not weight more then

75 kgs but I have never been that thin my entire life , even at my peak in Bollywood a decade back I was chubby with a little belly and my weight hovered around 80 to 82 kgs . So I had a humongous task in-front of me when I took up the weight loos routine .

The goal is simple for me to loose 15kgs in three months that is 5kgs a month , so that I can get to my ideal weight a decade back . Now how will this be achieved that has to be figured out . My aim is to attack the weight loss program though vigorous and brisk walk across the BHU campus in Bananas . Ideally I do 5kms of brisk walk in one hour my goal is to increase this to 10 kms of walk daily for two hours . The ideal time for me is from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the evening and I have to do this six days a week with rest only on the Sunday . I have my health application non the mobile to count they steps and the speed to walking along with the distance covered in a stipulated time .


The goal is to walk more than the previous day and ramp it up to 10 kms a day . I will motivate myself by making videos of my exercise and by writing and talking about my weight loss program with friends and family to get support .Then comes the diet which is very important along with the exercise and brisk walking . I make sure I sweet a lot while taking my  walks that is something I have begun to enjoy and that keeps me going . Sweeting naturally is very important and so is the breathing while you pace your walks . You should inhale and exhale deeply and pace  it with the left and right steps that you take as you walk .


As far as diet is concerned I have decided to go vegetarian completely only dal roti and salad for lunch . Two boiled eggs three lightly buttered toast and two cups of tea for breakfast . My dinner is equally thin a Chinese soup of choice with vegetarian momo’s or vegetarian spring rolls . I keep changing my pulses for taste and have dry nan and rotis . I do enjoy having  coconut water after my brisk walk to hydrate myself .

It was the fifteenth of October 2021 when I decided to start the weight loss program and the first few days I had my friend Tiwari to give me company as he would drive me on his scooter to the quite alleys of BHU and we would start our waling on the road or the footpath . I have seen it is easier and better to walk on the tarmac road and brick footpaths , the play group and fields  of the BHU campus in Bananas have grass on them but the mud is very soft and due to rains last month the group had become moist making it unsuitable for us to walk on as one tends to slip and loose rhythm . I have seen walking on the road is easier and you can build good pace , once the rhythm is established the walk become exhilarating . The whole idea is to enjoy nature around and sweet a lot .


I have been enjoying showers after my walks and I feel refreshed  in the night before my meals  . Just yesterday I lay on my bed exhausted after a 7kms walk . I could feel the girth and fat on my waist churn and gurgle as if the fat was melting . I could feel it in my skin it was like a slight cramping around my stomach area  which indicated to me I was loosing weight and burning fat after my walks . I don’t want to weight myself every day and will weigh myself only twice a month to check on my progress .


Just two days back Tiwari and me had a minor scooter accident and that was a further indication for both of us that we desperately need to lose weight . After all both of us combined are almost 200 kgs , no wonder the scooter collapsed and we fell flat on the tarmac road . Thankfully I was sitting at the back and was un harmed but Tiwari has a fracture of the arm and will be on a plaster for a few weeks at least , but that did not deter me as I went for my walks today on my own thanks to the many electric rickshaws that run on the city streets , it’s Rs 100 for a ride to the BHU campus and that is one way .The idea is to get exercise and I have clocked up 38 kms last week that’s from seven days of walking . My target is to get this upto 60kms a week in the next ten days or so and then keep the threshold there .

The good thing is that my body has now warmed up , although I do get slight niggles and aches when I comeback from my walk and my toes hurt a bit as they take a lot of pressure while I walk . I have grazed the skin of the inner lining of my front two toe fingers as they got grazed my by the uppers of my shoes and the roughness of my socks . But I will soon have that sorted out by seeing a doctors and applying a cream that would sooth the cracks and heal the abrasions on the skin of my toe fingers .


I have been peering through the net for diet plan and trying to figure out what my body mass index is and I was shocked that my BMI as I Strat this program and effort to loose weight is 32.85 which is definitely in the obese category . The ideal weight of a guy with my height should be 68kgs . As of now I am sticking to my goal of loosing 5kgs a month .