Yesterday was the last day and the closing of the Dehra Doon Literature Festival, I arrive a bit late at the Grand Hayat when the Chief Minister of Dehra Doon suddenly arrived in his large motorcade. There was a huge cover of SPG commandos carrying machine guns and even a fire brigade bus along with the police and local administration. Amongst the cover was the chief minister folding his hands and greeting the organizers. Soon another speaker at the event arrived Prasoon Joshi in his trademark black kurta. The stage was well light and this was the fifth year of the festival in Dehra Doon we were told by the organizers. I for one was keener to dive into the food than listen to the boring banter of the guests who were busy patting each other back and singing praises of Uttarakhand and its great literary heritage.

I wandered into the buffet area trying to get a drink and some food. Meet with a few budding writers who were keen to pick my brain, when suddenly I saw my dear mentor Mr. Prahalad Kakkar diving into a plate of butter chicken with a drum stick in his other hand .” You know the best way for you to struggle is to become a gigolo and find a rich old woman who you can fuck, you don’t have much of a face but you can definitely make a living by being a Gigolo and offering your services .” Saying that he burst out laughing.


I have always enjoyed conversations with the great man and love his humor, I also admire the way he is so blatantly shameless and honest. I have worked with Prahlad in genesis films and also does a couple of ads for his company. Meet the old man after almost fifteen years and got the opportunity to pick his brains.


The who’s who of DehraDoon was at the event as it was the last day and the closing ceremony. I managed to strike up a conversation with the lobby manager who told me that they were all set to repair the entry road to the hotel. Although Hayat is a top luxury it is situated in the interiors of Mussoorie Road and the approaching road to the hotel is very bad making the pleasure of coming to the hotel quite daunting.


All in all food single malt whiskey and a night with the literary gods were a great night out!