One of the biggest expense for a webseries is food  , you need ton’s and ton’s of it and all of it during the actual shoot . If you can get a food sponsor who fits the bill for the food lunch and dinner during the shoot , you really reduce your expense . I expect a shoot of 15 days and the food sponsor needs to feed 30 people everyday that includes film crew and actors . That roughly an expense of 2.25 lakhs in all .

In exchange you can offer free publicity to the food joint as in product branding in the webseries script , logs on all videos and publicity material . As a bonus you execute an event “ Evening with the Stars .” at the outlet where known faces and actors of the webseries will interact with the customers of the eatery .

Some one from the unit can volunteer with the pick up and delivery of the food packages . If one can execute a barter for food a lot of the cost of the webseries can be trimmed .