The last few days in Doha, Qatar, have been very hectic. I ventured into the desserts of Doha and then into the Salem Beach. Having explored most of its opulent malls with my friend Taleb Mirza, I have gotten a good idea of the city and the country as a whole.

But moving from the hot temperatures of about 35 degrees in the afternoon to my cold, air-conditioned hotel room had taken its toll on me as I woke up with a chill, a temperature, and a cold in the morning. I could feel my body aching, and I had a bit of a runny nose, so I had to tell my taxi driver that I would be taking a break today. I stayed in bed till the wee hours of the afternoon. But I could not muster the courage to go out into the street to a pharmacy to grab some medicine that would soothe my ache and pain and settle my temperature.

Luckily, my cleaner, who had come to clean up my room, gave me a few tablets of Panadol that helped my fever settle and relieved me from the cold. All I had was mushroom soup the whole day with brown bread as I did not feel hungry due to my temperature.

I managed to have a Chicken Madrooba, a traditional Qatari Speciality. It’s like a chicken stew, which was best for me in these conditions. 

By the late evening, my cold and cough had settled a bit, but only after I had taken a hot shower. I called my friend Taleb Mirza, and we made plans to meet tomorrow for coffee, as tomorrow would be my last day in Doha before proceeding to Egypt, my next destination in this part of the world. Until then, enjoy the pictures of the traditional Qatari dish Chicken Madrooba.