It had rained a bit just before I landed but the summer sun was out and Bangalore was shinning bright in the

Kobe & My Bar
Kobe & My Barafternoon as I ventured out with friend for what was definitely not the right food to have in this weather at Kobe Sizzlers.

afternoon as I ventured out with friend for what was definitely not the right food to have in this weather at Kobe Sizzlers.

We decided to try out the bar on top – My Bar and nothing better to beat the heat then a tall glass of Budweiser beer which we duly ordered. Blowing smoke and making funny faces , the afternoon crowd is awesome lot’s of young student crowd from the neighbouring Christ University and Jyoti Niwas College chattering away. The girls in summer skirts of blue and red, teen’s glued to their smart phone’s , some listening to music as they sit around to do idle banter perhaps. A couple of beauties past by me and I dared my friend to go and ask them for a picture, but he wouldn’t.

My Bar has a european look with wooden floors and pillars each of them carried a quotable quote and I struck a few pose aside one of the pictures.

My Bar – My Way – My Smart Sayings on The Wall !

After a quick bite of Beef Fajitas and Brown Rice with Beans. I was beginning to feel a bit restless and so I walked out into the street to get some air. The afternoon heat was at it’s maximum by now and I neededFajita & Fun to cool of and what do I see, a yogurt and dessert outlet called “ Berried Alive “ right opposite . They served cheese caked , shakes , sundae’s , yogurt’s all made out of berries and strawberries and assorted fruit’s. We ordered and the explosion of fruit on the tongue and the cool cream dancing on your taste buds. It was indeed a great dessert and shake a truly satisfying experience. The interior’s where done in colours of pink, cream , purple and red. The decor gave it a feel of Barbie Doll House and it looks that the store wants to attract a younger audience of kids not above 15 years!!!

One wall was the message all full off post it’s with messages to friends and girl friends, mothers and dads. A kind of love you thank you bless you wall! I took a picture of  mine with the wall as a background. Came out well just put it on my facebook page – ha!

Notes !
Notes !

The evening was approaching and I realised I needed a hair cut and a massage and I called up Arun Kaul my cousin at the ITC Gardenia and he was kind and booked me a 7:00 pm appointment for me. Once at the hotel after weathering the famous Bangalore traffic from Koramangala to ITC Gardenia that took me 50 min in an auto. I was late but all set to be refreshed by a one hour full body Thai Massage,  hair cut with colouring and shampoo all for Rs 8000 at the spa in the Hotel aptly called Kaya Kalp. A warm shower was due before the massage and which was extensive. The therapist used her hands, fingers, feet and knees to massage every nook and corner of my body as I  cried out with noises that might be described sexual in nature. In between I dozed off only to be woken up by a jerk on my vertebra which felt more straight and erect now. One hour and I was fresh as a daisy. My Black color had come out smart.  I had told the staff that I wanted to walk out 10 years younger and they had indeed achieved that task. The staff was professional yet very warm and encouraging. They also have a Brisk Brand of massages that are done in 20 min’s but with a lot more pressure. This was positioned perhaps towards travellers who haven’t much time. All in all a great and memorable experience and I will be coming back !