Artificial intelligence is rapidly excelling at many “human” tasks, such as medical diagnosis, language translation, and customer support. This is creating legitimate concerns that AI will eventually displace human employees throughout the economy. But it is hardly the only, or even the most likely, consequence. Never once have digital technologies been so attentive to us, nor have we been so reactive to our devices. As AI will fundamentally transform how and who performs work, the technology’s greater effect will be in complementing and boosting human talents rather than replacing them.
The AI revolution has already started, and it is changing every area of our life.
From academics and researchers to inventive tech entrepreneurs, here are 10 people pushing the frontiers of deep learning and computerized vision to make AI dreams come true.
1. Elon Musk
Nationality: South African
Position: Co-founder and Chairman of OpenAI
Musk’s emphasis at Open AI, his non-profit organisation, is on creating safe artificial general intelligence (AGI) in a manner that enhances humanity, despite the possible risks of AI. They do groundbreaking research and develop open-source tools for experimentation, such as OpenAI Universe.
Musk wants to create a neural implant that connects the human brain to artificial intelligence, allowing people to operate computers, artificial limbs, and other equipment with their thoughts alone.
2. Anita Schjøll Brede
Nationality: Norwegian
Position: CEO and Co-founder of
Schjll Brede’s objective with her AI scientist,, is to speed up research. The technology searches through over 60 million papers for the most relevant articles using algorithms. Her goal isn’t to make money, but to do good and improve people’s lives, such as by discovering a cancer treatment.
3. Jürgen Schmidhuber
Nationality: German
Position: Co-founder and Chief Scientist of Nnaisense
Schmidhuber is known as the “Father of Self-Aware Robots” for developing the mechanisms that allow us to communicate to our phones. His current research focuses on developing artificial neural networks that are equivalent to, and eventually surpass, the human brain.
4. Fei-Fei Li
Nationality: Chinese
Position: Chief Scientist in Google Cloud
Li, a well-known computer vision professor, is on a mission to “democratise AI” — to guarantee that talent and expertise are shared outside large corporations in order to increase diversity, creativity, and innovation. AI4ALL, her non-profit, trains the next generation of AI technologists, philosophers, and entrepreneurs.
5. Dorian Selz
Nationality: Swiss
Position: CEO and Co-founder of Squirro
Selz’s firm, Squirro, is the pioneer in real contextual intelligence, promoting data as the world’s most expensive resource. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are used to offer the “why” behind data, resulting in actionable intelligence and a deep knowledge of customers.
6. Richard Socher
Nationality: German
Position: Chief Scientist, Salesforce
Socher has been dubbed “one of the artificial intelligence and machine learning space’s virtuosos.” By providing a deeper grasp of context and mood, his methods are revolutionising natural language processing and computer vision.
7. Demis Hassabis
Nationality: British
Position: Founder and CEO of DeepMind
Hassabis, dubbed the “superhero” of artificial intelligence, is advancing AI by reuniting it with cognitive science. He works at DeepMind on innovative algorithms that can help mankind in areas like healthcare and environmental issues.
8. Rita Cucchiara
Nationality: Italian
Position: Full Professor, Imagelab of UNIMORE
Cucchiara has almost 300 publications to his credit. Her work in computer vision, multimedia recognition systems, machine learning, smart sensing, and human behaviour understanding (HBU) has had a significant impact in assisting businesses in pushing AI limits.
9. Anders Hardebring
Nationality: Swedish
Position: CEO and Co-founder of Imagimob
Sensorbeat, the first comprehensive package comprising all the electronic devices and AI for interpreting the motion of items and people, was conceived and developed by Hardebring’s team. Real-time applications are enabled by smart data processing embedded into the gadget itself.
10. Robin Li
Nationality: Chinese
Position: CEO and Founder of Baidu
Li wants to be in charge of AI’s destiny in China and abroad. Baidu is constantly engaged in cutting-edge research in fields such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning. Baidu Brain is a set of AI-powered solutions, as well as DuerOS, a smart speaker platform.
Why are These People so Involved in AI?
One of the most often mentioned advantages of AI technology is automation, which has had substantial effects on the communication, transport, consumer goods, and service sectors. Automation not only provides for higher production levels and efficiency in various industries, but it also allows for more efficient input materials usage, better product quality, shorter lead times, and improved safety. Automation can also assist to free up resources that can be put to better use.
Smart Decision Making
Artificial Intelligence has long been used to help businesses make better decisions. To make good judgments for the organisation, AI technology can coordinate data supply, evaluate trends, establish data consistency, give predictions, and quantify uncertainties. AI will stay neutral on the subject at hand as long as it is not trained to replicate human emotions, and it will assist in making the best choice to promote corporate efficiency.