I struck a great friendship with Captain Suraj Rathod who was stationed in Leh.

Captain Surah Rathod of the Indian Army !
Captain Surah Rathod of the Indian Army !

He invited me for breakfast next day . After taking my sunrise shots I ventured into his office . “I love bollywood films Anuj .” he said nibbling at his Paratha .“Especially Shaurya the film with K.K Menon , he was excellent in that and of course their is Border with Sunny Deol.”


We chatted for a while on Indian war film’s “ you see captain their was one film called LOC which was mad on the Kargil war , but it didn’t work because it had so many star’s in it , people could not identify them as normal soldiers . That is why it is important to have method actor’s like Randeep Hooda who is playing the role of Sarabjit Singh a soldier who was captured by the Pakistani’s and tortured in their jail’s.”


Captain Suraj sipped a warm cup of tea with lot’s of ginger and herb’s “ This region of Ladakh has produced many a brave Indian Army Soldiers , their have been 2 Param Vir Chakra’s and 27 veer Chakra’s awarded to soldiers who have served here . You know the temperature here fall’s to below 20 degrees in the winter’s , it becomes impossible to survive , the entire lake freezes and snow leopards from the mountain’s come out to play . Come let me show you some pictures of the mountain goat’s and migrating gull’s which can be seen here .” 

Leh & Ladakh
Leh & Ladakh

I ventured out to the lake to take photo’s of the flying Gull’s , they fascinated me as this bird is a symbol of my Travelthon also . After a few shot’s from my camera , me and the captain bid each other good bye and promised to keep in touch . I for a moment thanked him for being their at the tough region and guarding our country. It is because of these brave men that we enjoy the freedom and liberty we so much take for granted .

Next day was a five hour drive from the lake down to the Leh Region through the Changla Pass I stopped over for a while to play with the snow that was gathered around and enjoy the little snow flakes falling from the sky .Like little feathers they caressed my cheek’s and floated past me. Mountain goat’s and wild camels whisked passed our jeep as we stopped over to take a peek at these beautiful animals.


It was Back to Kidar my hotel in Leh . I rested in the evening and uploaded all my majestic photo’s on my blog . Next day was a cultural event organised by the hotel .Which comprised of dances from the Changla region of the valley and also included the traditional Ladhaki warrior dance.
