Roaming the port town of Maputo and letting the place sink in – I knew I was getting dead bored and I needed some respite. That was Rosa, the beautiful receptionist at the hotel and who I had been trying to hook up with for some time. rosa - like a rose !After a few days of persuasion I walked out and gifted her  a box of Ferrero Roche chocolates. After days of diligently making excuses, she finally relented for a dinner date with me. We spent time in the evening hopping around the street downtown Maputo, enjoying ourselves dancing on the road and making funny faces at people. Finally we arrived at a Italian restaurant for some beer and Pizza.

Rosa & Her Sister Lisette!
Rosa & Her Sister Lisette!

To my horror she asked me if she could invite her sister over too? ” Well I thought it was our date darling , your sister is only going to be a disruption in our time together .” She gave me the sweetest smile any one had ever given me and finally I relented, hoping to enjoy the company of two nice young African women. 

Some of the best times are in the company of strong beautiful women!
Some of the best times are in the company of strong beautiful women!

Her sister arrived and we got down for dinner. Loads of pizzas and beer as we got familiar around the table and took pictures. As the beer got down in me, I looked into her eyes and she looked back into mine.I loved her expression and she loved my smile. Slowly we ate the pizza and munched at the salad. The olympics at Rio was on in the background were on and music seemed to be playing and she asked suddenly rather out of context “ Who is your favourite singer.” pat came my reply “ Beyonce , I love her songs and her music specially the number Daddy Lessons.”

In an instant as if on cue we started dancing on the  floor. I held Rosa tight in my arms and kissed her. Her sister was on to me and took pictures in a flash which have since become shared as a facebook post! I thought it was all in on a full filling evening of fun and frolic.

Love & Longing at Maputo !
Love & Longing at Maputo !

 I gave her the taxi money and we kissed each other goodnight , promising to do it all over again tomorrow. But I knew that wouldn’t be happening as she did too – for tomorrow I was set to Go Tanzania – deeper into my African Journey!