Now that I have been playing the ebook selling game , I have found some good online alleys in Google Books , , kindle and kobo . I have started getting sales royalties from these stores monthly fro the last 5 months or so . The cheques ate small form Rs 500 to Rs 1000 per month but I am making progress with the sales numbers month on month , some of my books are also part of the exclusive KDP select program , so a lot of my books get read and borrowed from their digital library and I make some money on that too .

The key to mu success has been building a network of Book Bloggers who are local and from India , more then 80% of my readership is from Indian , 10% US , 4% UK , 2% Canada . Naturally I targeted Indian book reviewers and book bloggers . In less then four months I have a network of about 40 top Indian book blogging sites and book reviews who are constantly reviewing my books and posting it on their social media handles , blogs , good reads , and where all my books can be bought for . This has become a powerful chain of influences for me . They post regular interviews with me , do give away programs and help in creating that first line of buzz and credibility around my book .I have decided to spend zero on online ads like Facebook ads , amazon direct advertising . I have found they are a waste one should do them only sparingly . It is more important to cultivate book bloggers specially those who are experts in the genre you write in . I have negotiated some good bulk review deals at Rs 200 a review . Their are also some bloggers I pay Rs 1000 or Rs 1500 for a review , but never more then that . Remember you are in a high volume low margins business and making money is hard , make sure you don’t go crazy spending all your marketing money on Book reviewers and enthusiasts .

My next task will be to build a similar network of book bloggers in US , UK and Canada these ra the big English speaking and reading markets for my kind of a writer , who has just started off with some serious writing . In one year I have launched 11 e books and this pace will only double in the next year . It can surly be made into a profitable business stream for my company