After saying bye-bye to Amman, I was all set to reach Doha, the capital of Qatar. My Qatar Airways flight from Queen Alia International Airport was on time, and I got a real taste of luxury when I boarded my flight. I was served Champagne and dates as I sat comfortably on the plane.

Qatar is abundant, and the City has a wealthy look. I stayed in a five-star hotel and was lucky to be upgraded to a sizeable king-size room.

The first thing that I did after settling into my room was to call up my dear friend Taleb Mirza, an Iraqi Khurd who worked as a doctor in this country. Doha is the Capital city of Qatar, and the place is famous for its malls and shopping arcades. 

The City also has a large population of Indians from Kerala and a lot of folks from Bangladesh. These Asians keep the place running and do most of the menial chores in the City, like working as waiters and other staff in plush hotels. 

I spent most of my day in my hotel room and ventured out a few times to get a pack of cigarettes. My honest exploration will start tomorrow when I book with my old school pal, Taleb Mirza. But till then, enjoy the pictures of the sheer luxury of my hotel room and get the view of the City from my window.