The word Nakuru in the Masai language means a dusty place and is also the fourth largest city at Kenya and the capital of Nakuru County.

The Nakuru Lake lies to the south of the city and is a great collection of African fauna.

It is a sanctuary for many wild animals. There are elephants roaming free, water buffaloes, baboons and zebras and wilder beasts that find this an ideal habitat.

Lots of water, a cool climate and thick green forest on either side of the lake and this was a great place to be an animal, or bird that roams free.

I could spot pink pelicans on the other side of the lake, but my camera lenses were not good enough to get a clear shot.

The road was dusty , muddy and very uneven but my luck was with me today and I spotted two rhinos from a far.

The two seemed merrily getting wet and chewing on cud perhaps.

I zoomed in with my camera and waited and waited till I was sure that I’d get a clear shot with the horns and all and I clicked away once I had them in my viewfinder and was proud of my achievements thus far!

The Hyena and the Baboons were rather photogenic and i got some great pictures of them.

We kept throwing fruits to the baboon’s and they would walk unto our vehicle and take it away to eat. This dance of the animals in front of a mighty lake was it seemed, sheer majesty of nature and its game.

There were also a lot of exotic people who were here to capture the wildlife in all it’s glory in their cameras.

There was a lot of exotic birds and I noted flamingos, cranes and spoon billed, along with the water buffaloes and hippos.

I was getting a control of my camera and that was a good feeling.

Shooting wild life is a whole different paradigm and you need focus, patience and still hands and of course understand the damn technology and some good control on shutter speeds and exposure settings.

Meanwhile my Zambian e visa came through in my email and now all I have to do is show this letter and pay the visa fee of US $50 dollars to get the visa stamped at the port of entry. I have made a lot of new friends in my Africa sojourn and made several tour operator connects and drivers. People who have gone out of their ways to show me new places and often off the beaten track. I am certain these are great people to know.

Wild Africa at it’s most bare was what I was seeing in my journey and I think Kenya’s a more rugged land then say Madagascar or Mauritius.

It is bold , dusty with huge patches of bush and Kenyan’s love their Tusker beer which has that unmissable logo of an elephant head. Not much of a beer drinker that I am, I’ve been knocking my Single Malts down accompanied with some real rare sausages and pineapple fruit, which seems to be in abundance here.