My greatest thrill so far in my travelthon has been to whirl around in the open sea on a fast water scooter. It took me no time to adapt to the new conditions of this sea beast as I zoomed off on it in clockwise direction. The waves lapped away at the bottom of the scooter as its nose thudded on the surface of the pristine blue sea.

My heart pounded for a while as I thrust on the throttle as the scooter roared away. I kept going faster and faster till I reached the middle of the sea and then I shut the motor off. Wow! complete silence, I could hear my breath. The lifeguards tried to approach me to see whether I was stranded or in trouble.

But I shooed them away gesturing that I wanted some peace and bobbing up and down on a silent scooter was the only way to get it. It was heaven. I could feel my dad’s soul in the air. Somewhere, I prayed for a while and felt his blessing. Then I started off again feeling the breeze on my face and the sea playing tricks with me. It was like whirling a dance around the sea. All so spectacular.

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