Rap video on my YouTube channel use it in the post

Shaan was excited today. He knew that he would be accompanying me for a three-day excursion to my University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Yes, we were to take a train to Manchester and we chose the Virgin Trains to take us on a two-hour journey to this city where I spent three years of my university life. I stayed in a house in Rusholme with an Indian, a Pakistani and a Srilankan. I met Ranesh the Srilankan on my trip to Sri Lanka. I will meet Sailesh Aria this weekend and of course, there are Mirza Talib and Tunji Bada that I have to meet. But, as of now, it’s Manchester all the way. As usual, it rained here yesterday and it was only in the night that I and Shaan ventured outside for a smoke.

Shaan got in the groove and did a rap number for me as I filmed him do a full-on rap near a shed in a car parking lot. I guess this is the hang out for kids. A kind of private dungeon of their own. Most of these places have graffiti and paintings on their walls and are a rebellious youth hangout of sorts. These were the places where rap, grunge and other forms of underground music flourished. Shaan did his full rapper act and looked the part with his jeans, t-shirt, cap and the entire getup. The video came out good and by this time, we had made a few local street finds who I asked to do some filming with me. They have edited some cool videos and it seemed that they could capture the essence of the Manchester nightlife. The boys agreed to do the task. Of course, I paid for the meals and some amount of filming was done. I got the true feel of the city at night.

In the next morning, I bought the latest cigarette vaporiser. This is hot in the UK. Now, people smoke a vaporiser instead of the regular cigarette. I sure wanted to try it out. But the apparatus is a bit confusing to configure and so, I have left it to Shaan to try it.

So look out for some great videos on the Rap and Underground Music scene in Manchester.

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