Blogging has become more popular than before but research studies show that the earnings per blog has gone down and will remain downhill for some time to come. The blogging trends that have been established in 2017 are thus laid out below. These trends will further shape and define the blogging industry and will have a larger impact on social media and internet as we go along.

Size of Blog Post

The average length of a blog post has risen from an average of 662 words per post to 1050 words per post. People are writing longer posts than before being more descriptive about the things they post about. The posts are well researched and packed with more information that increases the word count of the posts. It has been seen that one power-packed informative post is more effective than your 30 loosely worded dull daily posts. People are getting away from the concept of ‘one post a day is a must on a blog’.

Layout of Blogs

Layouts of blogs are changing with some having their own unique landing page. People are using more colour and unique designs to differentiate their blogs. I, for one, use sliders very effectively on my blog.

Videos are the Next Big Thing

Video sharing, live video streaming and broadcast are the next big things on social media especially with the launch of Facebook Live. Videos are getting better edited and tell a story of a thousand words in seconds. They have larger impact and recall than normal mom and pop posts. The performance of your video shares and likes can be analysed for better results through Facebook insight and other analytic tools. But video is the next big thing.

Mobile Apps and Mobile Connectivity

Mobile connectivity and integration with your site or blog is a must now as internet is accessed more through mobile phones and tablets now than the normal desktop computer. So you have to have mobile integration and use mobile apps to further enhance your promise and productivity.

Regional Languages

Internet news content is being sampled more and more through regional languages. Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Urdu and Marathi are currently the top favourite languages. The regional content is being sampled by more than 256 million internet users in India and this is their preferred mode of sampling content. So one can differentiate by offering regional languages as blogs can be translated into these languages to further increase user base.

More User Focused Content

The content is becoming more user-focused and tends to talk to the individual user or reader in his/her own language. It is becoming more user specific.


Access to professional camera and video equipment and the availability of pay service sites like SmugMug is further increasing the relevance of great photography and videography a blog can hope to achieve. These videos and photographs can then be sold through shopping carts on SmugMug photo application itself.

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