
An obscene amount of patience is needed to achieve any kind of success in a chosen field and the same goes for blogging. Trial-and-error is the name of the game. You keep failing and finally, you will find something that will work. I started my travels three years back and started blogging around two years back. I have had to be patient for my rewards but a few victories have come my way like adding my newsletter and getting to 75,000 total followers. I have experimented with different content styles and categories to see what works and what doesn’t. But I have had to grind and blow away money on some useless internet advertising tools and I am still not generating revenues from my blog. My monthly outlay is Rs 50,000 for just website hosting and content creation. So keep the faith and trudge along, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.


I have formed concrete partnerships for content creation, web hosting services and content posting as surrogate content to other travel websites like TripHobo and Tripoto. So a process has been set in place with the various partners playing their respective roles. Content creation, hosting and posting are all being looked after by partnership teams.


Visual appeal is very important for a travel blog. For this, you need enticing photographs to display the exotic locations. Theme photography is preferred in which you communicate through pictures. They capture emotions the best and have a nostalgic value too. A picture can trigger many thoughts and can speak louder than words.


What you say, how you write about it and how well you inform and engage your audience can only be done through a thorough and fantastic post that conveys its message clearly and crisply. So, what you post is also of the utmost importance. Its structure, grammar and punctuations should be spot on and it should be original content coming right from you backed by your research.

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