Settling into Lusaka, Zambia and taking time out with the Welham Boys’, I was sated and yet needed more! That is what it is to be a traveller and the Hindi word yayavar – 

  1. वह साधु या संन्यासी जो किसी एक स्थान पर टिककर न रहता हो, बराबर घूमता फिरता हो।
  2. वह जिसके रहने का कोई निश्चित स्थान न हो और जो खान पान आदि के सुभीते के विचार से अपना डेरा कभी कहीं और कभी कहीं लगाता हो।

came to mind! 

On the Road, Nick and I, Lusaka to Livingstone - September 2016
On the Road, Nick and I, Lusaka to Livingstone – September 2016
Lusaka To Livingstone !
Lusaka to Livingstone!

Nick and I had connected on the internet before I got here. He came designated as Transportation Coordinator for Africa, Zambia and with his help and his merry crew, I headed for a four-day trip to Livingstone, Zambia which is situated south of Lusaka and named after David, the famous explorer. He was the first ever European and a Scot at that to ever get to Africa. Nick drove me to Livingstone which was a five-hour drive. We started early and reached just after lunch time. Continue Reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Walking with Lions"</span>

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