The amazing reversal of fortune in the US presidential elections has brought the day alive with Trump coming on top and beating Hillary Clinton hands down. But what does it mean for the changing political landscape in the US and, of course, how does it impact us in India? It is true that Trump ran the most unconventional presidential campaign so far. He never minced his words when talking against radical Islam and minorities. He is also against foreigners taking jobs away from his fellow countrymen. He has even spoken about building a wall on the border of Mexico. His move against outsourcing of jobs might hurt India as a lot of jobs outsourced by the US land up in our laps. After all, we are the best source of English and IT literate manpower to America. Well, India will have issues with Trump’s policy. Here, he will cut back on visas and outsourced jobs that come our way. On the bright side, he has stated that he understands India, particularly Mumbai, where Trump has invested heavily with LODHA Builders to build huge towers ala Trump Towers. He has also shown interest in doing defence deals with India. All in all, as he said “We will be fair to others keeping out interest first”, that is the key. It will be hardworking Americans first, then, the rest of us.

Another thing to note is that he is a republican president and they have always taken America to war. Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush took the US into a war that cost the country a lot. For me, his flamboyance forthright and sharp messages won the day for him. The Americans were fed up with the old political establishment and this time voted for a rank outside, the billionaire Trump. We can be sure that things will be spicy coming the next year and the US political arena will be throbbing with a new wind of change and some fast decision making. After all, Trump has to walk the talk now.

So, Trump it is over the old hag Hillary. More colour, more vibrancy and some out-of-the-box policy decisions, America is headed for an uncertain but yet, a very exciting time ahead in its history.