Raja; my aide de travel through Rajasthan was good about it and came and  woke me up at 9:00 am, early by my standards and late by his. He’d just had a fight with the hired car chappie about the rates and he felt it would perhaps be better if I come down to also negotiate. Perhaps there is a whole arrangement in all this I thought at that time. The car that was to take me to Jaisalmer was a shiny new Nissan and it was silver in colour. The guy renting out the car gave me his mathematics and it would be $ 500. “See sir Pushkar to Jaisalmer is 480 km then you stay for three day’s there that is 300km  per day .Then you goto Mount Abu that is 280 km you stay two days that is 300km per day and you have to pay for the trip back as my car will be coming empty which is another 420 km.That is 2680 km multiplied by Rs 12 , so the total cost will be Rs 32160 plus toll extra.“. I did not have the energy nor did I want to argue; but felt a little tinge of being cheated and I mean why should I pay for the car’s trip back to Pushkar? But they that is the way they do the math here and it was not that bad either nor was I in any mood to negotiate and nodded to confirm that I was good and wanted to get the show on the road. Raja didn’t seem to mind too much either! 

After a little breakfast of kachori, samosa and jalebi, the eternal favourites here at Rajasthan it seemed, we started our journey towards Jaisalmer – a princely town with hoary tradition behind it. I went to sleep for a few hours during the journey but then woke up and stopped over to photograph the countryside a bit .


The small village huts and houses each having it’s own well and animal’s. I spotted many peacock, deer  and wild sheep grazing the sparse desert vegetation. A meal at a local eatery pit stop of paneer and chapati with lassi got us energized for the evening and as we continued towards the city of Jaisalmer . It had been a nine hour long journey all through finally. This time I had planned on living it up and needed luxury and so I booked myself into The Gorbandh Palace, Jaisalmer . It is an old palace property converted into a splendid hotel at Rs. 9000 a night and it looked equal to many 5 stars in the city. 

Dog tiered and had a bath and decided not to be experimental and ordered a meal of fish and chip’s. Need to relax before I hit the town tomorrow.

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