The a good deal awaited trailer of Rashmi Rocket launched on Thursday and it’s far gripping in each sense. The trailer showcases the tale of an athlete named Rashmi, whose existence modifications appreciably after she is requested to go through a gender test. The consistent media glare reasons a issue in her career. Rashmi comes to a decision to undertaking each impediment and he or she runs for justice. The trailer tracks Rashmi’s adventure from a tiny village to athletic contests, courtrooms and beyond. The movie is “stimulated through the war of numerous lady athletes.” The movie stars Priyanshu Painyuli as Rashmi’s love interest, Abhishek Banerjee as a legal professional and Supriya Pathak as her mother.
Ahead of Rashmi Rocket’s trailer release, Taapsee Pannu shared a teaser of types on social media on Thursday morning and he or she wrote: “On your marks aur get set toh ho chuka hai , ab bas pass hona baaki hai. Rashmi, rocket ki pace se aa rahi hai aaj 6:30 baje.”