
उन्नीस: एक महामारी की कहानी


"वायरस एक सबमाइक्रोस्कोपिक संक्रामक एजेंट है जो केवल एक जीव की जीवित कोशिकाओं के अंदर ही दोहराता है। वायरस सभी प्रकार के जीवन रूपों को संक्रमित कर सकते हैं।" सैकड़ों हजारों वर्षों में, मानव जाति ने हमारे सामने कई प्रजातियों की तरह कई चुनौतियों का सामना किया है। लेकिन दुनिया पर जो पड़ने वाला है उससे ज्यादा घातक कोई नहीं। प्रकृति की स्वघोषित उच्चतम और सबसे बुद्धिमान प्रजाति का विनाश शुरू होने वाला है। लेकिन दुश्मन इस बार अलग है, कयामत एक अदृश्य वायरस हमले के रूप में आएगी जिसका कोई इलाज नहीं है। दुर्भाग्य लाने वाली यह महामारी पूरी मानव जाति को घुटनों पर ला देगी। ऐसे परिदृश्य में, होगा

Nineteen 十九: A Pandemic’s Tale


Nineteen is a Novel which traces the journey of Four main characters Yamini Kaul the head of a startup BioTech company called BioFizz as she struggles to find a vaccine for the COVID 19 virus . The story is based in the back drop of the COVID -19 Pandemic in Mumbai . Zubeda Parker a upright and ethical reporter who covers the pandemic through her unique story angles at grave personal risk for her news Channel GoodMorning news . Sanjeev Gupta who is a co-founding partner in the company grapples with his own inner fear and claustrophobia as he attempts to take Bio Fizz to an IPO after the pandemic is over . Above all it is the tale of Danpani the Srilankan Mystcal monk who is out on a quest to save humanity , but as his master told him his fate is such that his Glory goes hand in hand with his doom .Will the company BioFizz find the mercurial vaccine cure and above all will the prophecy of Dalpani’s master Kalpani come true . Read on and find out as city and the entire world grapples with a disease that has no cure and the nearest cure is attest an year away . As humanity stays locked in doors and contemplates it’s fate , will the species survive the virus attack , find out more as you flip the pages of this exciting novel.

Fat To Fit – FataFat: Lose 10 KG in 5 Months


Fat to Fit FataFat is the weight loss journey of the author Anuj Tikku as he goes about his weight loss journey losing a full 10 kg in five months though life style and dietary changes . Here the author has discussed his exercise routines and change of dietary habits as he goes along his weight loss and body transformation program . The book is full of scenic pictures when he goes about his daily power walks enjoying fruit juice and local conversations .